Sunday, April 19, 2009

Jackie Chan Should be Kicking Himself

By. Adnan Shaukat

Jackie Chan (Click Here) who spoke out 20 years ago aganist the deadly pro-democracy crackdown in Tienanmen Square, shocked fans in Taiwan and Hong Kong after his comments in a gathering of business leaders in the southern Chinese providence of Hainan. Chan said, "I'm gradually beginning to feel that we Chinese need to be controlled. If we're not being controlled, we'll just do what we want." Some say its to "Woo" the audience but other critics were not so delighted to hear this from a international superstar who has appeared in many action films.

Some say his words are surprising from a person who has greatly benefited from freedom and capitalism in becoming a celebrity. As Chan, goes to Beijing one can only hope to see his reception there, among his fans.

This news spread like wild fire in Taiwan and Hong King, but didn't get much attention from mainland China, but with 300 million internet users in China news is bound to spread quickly.

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