Thursday, May 14, 2009

Nazi war crime trial

by Marissa Rankins

Probably what will be the last trial for a Nazi war crime will soon be taking place. John Demjanjuk was deported earlier in the week to stand trial for being an accessory to the death of 29,000 murders. When I first started to read this article I thought so what? It's surprising to me that they even caught him. The fact that the countries of the world are still on the lookout for Nazi war criminals, though, has something to say about future war crimes. Sure, many of the Nazi officers had escaped and are probably living perfectly normal lives, if they are still alive. That was then, though. Obviously if we can still catch someone who took part in an even that happend during WW II, I think it's safe to say that when all is said and done, we will still catch the bad guy in the end. Knowing that makes me fell a little safer. I think the issue is how bad countries want these people to be caught. Granted, now if taked to trial, war criminals can be assured a little bit of a fairer trial. Nuremberg set the pace for justice to the masses, but could a fairer trial also mean that justice might not be served? I'm sure that knowing that this man is now being put on tiral has the last remaing survivors of the Holocaust all rilled up, but what if there isn't enough evidence and he goes free? That would be a devastating blow.

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