Saturday, October 9, 2010

France in the News Again: Warning Citizens of Traveling to the UK

Following a United States warning to its citizens about traveling to Europe due to the risk of terror attacks, France has advised their citizens to be cautious about traveling to the UK. France said it is highly likely al Qaeda has planned to attack cities in Europe. There is a possibility the attacks are being planned by a jihadist group from Hamburg, Germany led by Ahmed Sidiqi, a German citizen of Afghan descent. While it is unclear which particular group is the reason for the increased global concern for safe travels in Europe, those traveling to Europe should remain cautious until further notice. Recently, parts of Europe are seeing an increase in terrorist plots and issues. Tuesday, France seized 12 people believed to have terrorist ties; it is not clear whether they were part of the plot that caused the US to issue a warning. Nine of the men, who supposedly have ties to an Islamic movement, were arrested in their attempt to obtain explosives. Five German nationalists were reportedly killed in the recent U.S drone attacks in Pakistan. Italy recently arrested a French citizen with Algerian origin for having links to al Qaeda and is waiting to be extradited back to France.

By: Alyssa Rabulinski

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