Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Controversial article about Colombia and the FARC

By Fiorella Bafundo

In an article from the Counterpunch Newsletter, Oscar Guardiola-Rivera analyzes the situation in Colombia, and what he says to be an existence relationship between the government of Colombia, presided by Álvaro Uribe Vélez, and the FARC, which are pointed as terrorists. What he argues is that the government in the name of respecting human rights, tries to talk with the FARC and gives them time to organize and keep existing, while a professor from a Colombian Law School claims that “you don’t talk to terrorists; you hit them harder and keep hitting them until you knock them down. Peace talk, humanitarian agreements and so on are a dangerous distraction. It gives them time to breath.”
It is clear that this point of view comes along with the viewpoint of a small group of Colombian people which are said to be the wealthiest people, and are threatening the government they say, in its monopoly to manage this situation and the information. Something very controversial they also point out is that what Uribe is only managing the situation but not solving the problem, in other words that would “mean that the two parties have come to realize that their political existence and persistence depends on the existence and persistence of the other.” It is a very controversial point of view that could be true or not…

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