Sunday, February 1, 2009

Hospital Shelled in Sri Lanka Conflict

The "Tamil Tigers"a revolutionary group founded in Sri Lanka were claimed to have shot artillery shells at a hospital in the district of Mullaittivu in Sri Lanka. The Tamil Tigers represent parts of the Tamil population, who has been strugglings to gain an independent homeland since 1983. The civil war has been the root cause of more than 70,000 deaths. The Sri Lankan governmnt criticizes the media for escalating the actual numbers of those injured in order to gain the recognition of a humanitarian crisis. The hospital was said to be part of a "safe zone" where the fighting should be seperated from civilians. In this particular attack 105 adults and 50 children are reported to be injured. These attacks are unfortunatly all too familiar, especially regarding to minority groups struggling to gian independence. As in Georgia and Eastern Europs, the struggle for autonomy in the past and present and the conflict between ethnic groups immediatly effect the civilian population. (CNN)

bY: Ally Pawelczyk

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