Sunday, February 1, 2009

New Somali President

The beginning of Sheikh Sharif’s presidency raises more questions than provides answers. For one, how can this new regime change, or establishment in this case, possibly bring peace out of the chaos that has consumed the failed state of Somalia? How can Sharif possibly expect to bring hope to the people of his nation, with all the conflicting views and the absolute anarchic world that they live in? And dealing with an international trans-sovereign problem that more closely concerns the rest of the world, how Sharif deal with the Somali Pirates, or the rest of the organized crime that has been exerted upon the rest of the world? More importantly, will Sharif maintain any semblance of legitimacy within his nation?
As I said, we have arrived at questions that compound into deeper, more elaborate questions. Perhaps the questions that I have asked are not the questions that should be asked, however. Maybe we should ask ourselves if it is our duty, as a hegemonic world super power, to step in and provide the Sharif regime with the legitimacy that it so desperately needs to combat the crime and poverty and hunger that ravage its citizens. Perhaps we should ask ourselves if it is really a time of change, if it Americas time to become, or return to being, the beacon of hope and aspiration of the world. I tend to want to believe that we, as Americans, are good people. However, evidence over the past decades has demonstrated that America has chosen the path of isolationism when it should have chosen the path of interdependence, and, likewise, chosen the path of interdependence when that of isolation should have been taken. So, what is the right course of action, but, most importantly, what will the course of action or inaction be?

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