Sunday, February 15, 2009

Japan's GDP Slumps

According to CNN's website, Japan's economy, which is the second largest in the world is still slumping from a downturn in December. The largest year-on-year fall since 1967 is said to be taking place. THe country's output of cars, buses, and truck is down 25.2%. 27,000 people have been laid off recently, which is a result of this economic slump. A few weeks ago Japanese banks bought $11 billion in shares to ease this financial crisis.
Althought I am not an economist and many of the concept are confusing to me, but I recall the conversation in class about how much of the world's economies are intertwined with one another. We are not the only one's experiencing this negative economic turn. It would be interesting to follow the subsequent steps taken by Japan in order to help appease their crisis.

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