Sunday, February 8, 2009

Sweden aims to lift ban on neuclear ban

Amanda Dominguez

After almost 30 years of banning the development of their nuclear program, Swedan has decided to take steps twards lefting this ban and developing neuclear energy. The 1980 referendum was implemented to phase out nuclear development, but since then only 12 reactors have closed and 10 are still in place and supply about 50% of Sweden's electricity. The other percentage coming from hydro-power. This project, however, would not be a government funded. They hope by lifting this ban they will be able to do their part in the fight against global climate change. Center party leader said that he was doing this for his children and grand children, dispute his former skepticism towards nuclear power. Parliamnet has yet to vote on lifting the ban, but if they vote in favor, reactors will be updated and more will be built.

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