Sunday, April 5, 2009

North Korea Finally Calls the Bluff

Post by Bri Roozen
Sunday morning was an exciting day for the North Koreans, who took their first step towards the 'peaceful launch of a satellite', that flew not into space, but right over Japan.  Outraged reactions by South Korea, Japan, and America were instantaneously heard, and caused an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council.  Despite the calls for immediate action on North Korea, who were in obvious violation of the 2006 Security Council, the emergency meeting ended with no greater reaction than acknowledgment of the occurrence.  This was a grave disappointment to many political leaders including our own President Obama.  The launch was not seen as a provocation by all countries, however, as the communist party of the Soviet Union as well as the Czech Republic applauded the show of disregard for international law.

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