Thursday, April 2, 2009

Obama pwns at G-20

by: Justin Lynch

I had two main reactions after reading about Obama at the G-20. First, I'm glad that overall the markets seem to like the changes agreed upon by the countries, adding more money to the IMF and agreeing on some tighter regulations of financial markets. It seems like Obama did his part in brokering agreement when he worked with the presidents of France and China on a contentious part of the talks. Even with the setback on Obama's plan for countries to come up with more stimulus plans, the G-20 was a great success for the United States and him personally, showing he can command a global stage and won't be intimidated by seasoned veteran leaders of countries. This is one of the high points of Obama's term so far.

Second, the media's love for Obama, while long-standing, was even more ridiculous this time:

"When Obama arrived, dozens of the print reporters in the audience stood to take their own keepsake photographs of Obama on camera phones and BlackBerrys behind the news reporters thronging the entire width of the vast stage.

When the president departed after nearly an hour, dozens more reporters offered him applause- something one veteran reporter who has covered the globe for decades said he could not recall seeing except for in authoritarian nations."

Americans need a free and independent press to hold our elected leaders accountable, not one that cheers a president on at a rally-like atmosphere.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You had me at "pwns".