Sunday, February 27, 2011

Possibly a Libya No-Fly Zone

The administraters to Obama met with officials from Europe who the U.S. is allied with to discuss a no-fly zone over Libya. The hopes in doing this is to prevent more civilian deaths from happening. Italy decided to withdraw their treaty with Libya for the time being as to show that they will take action to keep the peace in the international community. This is to pressure Colonel Qadaffi with the acts being done in Libya. NATO and European allies met to talk about controlling flight above Libya but no decision has been made yet. Now UN officials are saying that the no-fly zone will not be put into effect unless there are more attacks on civilians by air. The Obama administration is also discussing the use of military to the neighboring countries to help with refugees and cutting off communication of Colonel Qadaffi to the people of Libya. Overall, anything that is decided with Obama, the Security Council, and NATO will not go into effect for a while.
Jessica Connor

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