Friday, November 16, 2012

Jerusalem Air Raid Sirens Signal Possible Rocket Attack

In recent new Jerusalem has been a target location for bomb attacks by Muslims from Gaza. The first rocket was fired Friday and aimed right at Jerusalem. This will be a new fight between the Israel army and the Gaza Strip. Israeli forces are on standby and will be ready to enter if a ground operation is necessary. This is a very scary thought for this area of Israel. Just months ago, silence rose through the city, and tourist were coming in and out to see the religious platform that the city is built upon. Also earlier in the week the city of Tel-Aviv was a prime location to be hit by airstrikes as well. The Israeli army has authority to draft 14,000 soldiers. Not only were bombs found in areas close to Jerusalem, but also near Jewish Settlements in the West Bank. Orginially Jerusalem was thought to be beyond range of these attacks and too far north.
By: Josef Federman

Kacie Greer

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