Saturday, November 17, 2012

King Abdullah Has a lot Going On

King Abdullah of Jordan is dealing with a lot of problems currently. He just did a government reform to try to clean up his countries politics, he starting to move the country into a democratic-friendly direction, his country is getting less oil from oil lines due to problems in surrounding countries causing Jordan to lose $5 billion in revenue, he's dealing with more than 200,000 Syrian refugees that have recently flooded Jordan, he has to deal with a teacher strike, and on top of all that, the citizens are violently protesting against him over a $0.45 increase in gas prices, from $3.80 to $4.25.

Thankfully, no life was lost in these protests, but there were some casualties. The protesters were chanting against the government and against their hard-working king, insulting him (which is a crime in Jordan) and demanding cheaper gas prices. King Abdullah handed out $600 to families to help them with the gas price increase, but apparently that isn't enough to appease the protesters. It is believed that it isn't the Jordanians who started these protests, but instead it's a group of Islamists who are trying to rile the people up in order to overthrow the king and get control for themselves. But this hasn't been confirmed.

Stephanie Smith

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