Sunday, June 8, 2014

Why Modi is No Erdogan

India has a new Prime Minister and he was not huge on the international political scene before he gained this title. Because of this everyone was scrambling to figure out what this new guy meant for Indian politics and many people were thrown into the mix. Eventually everyone in the comparison game came to the the general consensus was that Prime Minister Modi was most similar to Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey. There are some pretty impressive similarities. Upon further reflection though, there are some pretty important differences. Its also important to note the differences between the two governments of India and Turkey. Even if the new Prime Minister was as extreme as Tayyip Erdogan, there are systems in place in India to keep him in check. No to mention, so far Prime Minister Modi seems to have completely different goals for India than Erdogan does for Turkey. Mr. Modi seems to monitor himself much better than Mr. Erdogan. India is on the fast track to fully embracing globalization and all it has to offer. The Prime Minister seems to reflect that. I see the comparisons between the two drying up as quickly as they came out. I am very interested to watch India's progress under the rule of Narendra Modi.

The article can be accessed here.

Katie Krupica

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