Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Nigeria Shuts Down Amid Fuel Negotiations

Nigeria's fuel wholesalers have been withholding fuel from the government and the public after claiming that the government owes them a few billion dollars. The companies have refused to give up any fuel until the government's "debt" has been paid. Many analysts are confused as to how this debt figure has been constructed and how the wholesalers can claim to be owed such a large, and specific, amount.

During this standoff the country has come to a standstill. Most transportation in Nigeria has come to a halt and almost all gas stations are out of gas. Life in Nigeria has also become increasingly difficult as most homes and businesses run on gas powered generators because Nigeria lacks a good electrical infrastructure.

The biggest issue in this fuel crisis is corruption. It is still unclear as to how and why the wholesalers have been able to come up with such a figure. Some speculate that the crisis is a scam to blackmail the country out of millions and others speculate that corruption is so rampant among government officials and fuel producers/sellers that is impossible to figure out who is to blame for this crisis.

BBC News:

- Jenn Hoffman

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