Sunday, May 10, 2015

UK Elections

In a surprising end result the Conservative party retained power in Britain but this time with a majority government, this result left many other parties in disseray especially the Labour party, the Liberal Democrats and UKIP (UK Independence Party) all three party leaders have resigned as heads of the parties, leading to a what's next in UK politics.

The surprising result came from a mass supporting of the Scottish National Party claiming all but 3 seats in Scotland, leaving the former Labour (red) territory a sea of yellow. With a conservative government, that traditionally favours middle to upper class which as caused tensions before during the Maggie Thatcher years, many Liberal Democrat and Labour supporters are wondering what is next for them are their benefits safe and most importantly what reforms are going to happen to the NHS.

With several laws being set to pass within the next 100 days in order to surpass any rival party opposition as they will all be getting their own parties in line and as they are a majority government there is no opposition standing in their way, people who rely on government money are upset that their benefits are going to be capped and the middle class celebrating with a tax break there is a large political divide in the UK at the moment which we will have to wait a further 5 years to see how it plays out.

With a Conservative victory comes a decision the people have to make, in or out of Europe in the coming years both the leaders of Europe and the UK government are going to be pitching arguments about why we should stay are why we should go, I personally at the current moment in time believe we should leave the Eurozone however the debates and arguments have not begun yet so we will see how my option lasts until d-day in 2017.

Nicole Meecha

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