Sunday, June 5, 2016

In Defense of Globalism: The Trans-Pacific Partnership

In an Opinion column by Roger Cohen he discusses the importance of the TPP. He expresses a great deal of concern over the fact that the major candidates from both sides are not being supportive of this trade agreement. With our approval rating amazingly high in Vietnam this deal could be extremely important to our relationship with the countries involved. Not only this, but his main point, that if we let this deal fall through the cracks within our congress that China will win. As they continue to try and claim their dominance over the area not ratifying this treaty would only encourage them, and allow them, to continue their actions. It would hinder any efforts for a globalized economy and allow for China to continue to dominate the market in the region. If ratified this trade agreement would be an important boon for globalism and provide beneficial economically for all those involved.

McKenzie Parlatore

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