Sunday, June 5, 2016

Tens of thousands in Hong Kong commemorate Tiananmen Square massacre

This last Saturday was the 27th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre and every year, demonstrations and people make themselves more and more present. The organizers of this rally and fight for justice this year brought together nearly 125,000 people in Victoria Garden, which is in the heart of Hong Kong. They hope to send a message annually to the Chinese government for years to come, denouncing their tyrannical motives that day 27 years ago. China and Hong Kong again are on the precipice of leaning the wrong way so this pro-democracy movement of theirs is proving to be a dual gut killer for the government. I support this annual demonstration because it gives me a good felling that tides will be turning in favor of those demonstrators because their voice is bigger than the governments.

-Chris Kucinsky

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