Sunday, June 5, 2016

Switzerland Rejects Basic Income

A Referendum that would have provided every Swiss citizen with a monthly income was soundly defeated at the polls. Results show 77 percent of voters opposed the plan, while just 23 percent--less than a quarter--supported it.

Even within the Swiss Parliament, support was thin. While several politicians supported the referendum, no parliamentary party came out in support of the plan. Regardless, the idea garnered the necessary 100 thousand signatures to become a referendum and therefore directly voted on by the Swiss public.

If the plan would have passed, Swiss adults would have received the equivalent of about $2,500 on a monthly basis. The money would be delivered regardless of people's work status.

Switzerland's vote appears to be the first of its kind, but won't be the last. The Finnish government is considering a plan that would give basic income to around 8 thousand low-income people.

Adam Poklop

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