Friday, April 3, 2009

Obama: Europe faces greater terror threat than U.S.

This article talks about how Obama is telling Europe that they are at a greater risk than the U.S. is for a terrorist attack. He discussed this when he arrived in France for a 2 day NATO summit, and was saying that al Qaeda would be the source of any attacks. Because of this Obama urges other NATO countries to increase their military strength and support of their citizens. He goes on to say that he feels that the next terrorist attack will come to a European city and thus everyone must be greatly prepared. In addition to this, he said that our alliance with Europe is strong, and he wants to continue to partner with other European countries to fight terror as much as possible. The meeting also affirms that Afghanistan shouldn't be solely America's problem, but should be a concern of all NATO nations. In addition to this, the article makes reference to the recent G-20 meeting in which Obama says that he hopes to start dealing more with Russia after a successful meeting with the Russian President Dmitry Medvedev.

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