Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Obama Sees More Pain Now but Hope Later on Economy

By: Erica McCauley

Obama voiced today that the receding American economy has shown signs of recovery. However he is promoting action from the entire American population to keep working towards a better economy. Obama was quoted that every policy, or action the American government is trying to pursue is in part of the vision that he has for America's future. He does not want Americans to be worried. His speech was expected to focus of the American economy, but he strayed away from the main point when he added hope to lowering the cost of health care, and he eventually wants to save Social Security for the future generations. The president has laid out his vision for the American economy in one quote, “A future where sustained economic growth creates good jobs and rising incomes; a future where prosperity is fueled not by excessive debt, reckless speculation and fleeing profit, but is instead built by skilled, productive workers; by sound investments that will spread opportunity at home and allow this nation to lead the world in the technologies, innovations and discoveries that will shape the 21st century.” However, Obama wants the American people to not be blinded by hope. He is not promising an immediate rise in the economy. He has maintained that there will be more pain for the American people to endure, before the economy starts to get better. Yet, there have been signs of the recession slowing its spiral downwards.

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