Sunday, September 24, 2017

Expansion of US Travel Ban

The initial travel ban has already been strict, however the new one is not only more strict but are targeted to specific people. The reason for the new restrictions was because Trump stated that he must protect the security of the USA. In the new travel ban three countries have been added: Venezuela, Chad and North Korea. The ban will take effect until October 18, and will not affect those who already have a visa. Although the Trump administration may argue that these travel bans were not based upon "religion, race or creed", it is hard to believe that is the case. The first ban banned the entrance of citizens from seven major Muslim countries- leading me to believe that the administration believes this negative stigma. I understand that the POTUS may be doing things that he believe might be in the citizens best interest- however there are citizens in those countries that need our help. Though I do not think we should let everyone in, the ban doesn't allow innocent people to get away from the violence in their country. Which to me seems inhumane-how can we have a national monument with the words "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free", yet those who are aching to breathe free and live without fear can't even get in.

Link to article:

Azucena Ramirez

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