Sunday, September 24, 2017

Immigration Officials Take New Steps To Discourage Smuggling of Children

     Aside from what is going on with President Trump, this article is based on how children get smuggled into the U.S due to the parents wanting them to be near them or the children themselves trying to escape poverty and violence itself. Many of the families use human smugglers, which at times, the smugglers tend to forget and let those that are helping cross the border be on their own. Children, they do not know much, this travel experience is new to them. In fact, in the article, it mentions that children turn themselves in because they do not know what is going on. Children that turn themselves are often given back to their families.
    Smugglers that get caught, often face serious of problems, meaning time in jail. Smugglers tend to work with drug cartel's, which most of the times families that contract human smugglers do not know, which drug cartels at times can hold family members hostage to get more money out of families pockets if they do not cooperate they either torture them or kill them.
    ICE and Immigration services are trying their best to return children and other family members safe to their home countries or family members that live in the U.S.

To read more about this article and read more in detail: Immigration officials- Children smuggling article

- Kissel Salmeron

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