Friday, August 23, 2019

"Hong Kong protesters form human chain across city"

Protests in Hong Kong have been ongoing for some time now. The most recent development was a thirty mile human chain . Starting at 8pm local time, or 8 am ET on August 23, the protestors have made chains along subway lines. This protest pays homage to a human chain peaceful protest that happened thirty years ago today. The chain was filled with handholding, peaceful chants, and signs of democracy. The goal of this protest is "an iconic move that reinforces Hong Kong's solidarity and determination in hope of making our voices heard on the international stage." The goal was not to disrupt traffic or public transit. The Hong Kong protests have brought out 1.7 million people in a show of democratic will. This is significant because it is a quarter of the population. If a twenty-five percent of all Americans showed up for a protest, that would be 90 million people. This would be like all of California, Texas, Illinois, and Ohio showing up in one city.

jackson frank

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