Friday, August 23, 2019

The Amazon is burning because the world eats so much meat

With the recent news of the Amazon fire expanding and this informative article, the future of the earth is beginning to look more dangerous than we initially thought. Brazil is known as the largest producer of exporting meat, which has created a higher demand making cattle ranchers set fires in order to access more farming land. Because of the growth of this industry, one way to "save the world" is to eat less meat. The greenhouse gas emitted from cattle is 25 times more potent than carbon dioxide and has everlasting affects. It is predicted that global production of beef will continue to increase about 16% 10 years from now. Personally, if eating less meat is what it takes to help our planet, everyone should be happy to hear that climate change can be prevented by this simple aspect; eating less meat.

By: Chloe Erickson

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