Sunday, May 30, 2010

China's Stance on South Korea's Ship

Saturday China offered its condolences for South Korea's sunken ship. As everyone knows, South Korea has blamed North Korea for the sinking of their warship in March. The world has been waiting for China's response because it has been an ally to North Korea and everyone was unsure if China would try to shield them. There has been pressure on them to reign North Korea in due to there influential role as an ally. Prime Minister Wen Jiabao of China was in a three-way summit on the southern Korean island of Jeju with the leaders of South Korea and Japan. He was also quoted on Friday saying that Beijing "will not protect anyone". This would come after there was a definite conclusion on the cause of the sinking. Investigators concluded that the torpedo that sunk the ship was from a North Korean vessel, however North Korea is calling the reports "fake" because they don't even own the type of ship said to have been used. South Korea is hoping for more sanctions on North Korea. Japan has already bans trade with North Korea, but has furthered this by lowering the amount of undeclared cash that could be carried there.

by Jenae Harner

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