Sunday, May 23, 2010

Cuban prisoners

The Cuban government has agreed to move many of the country's 200 political prisoners to jails closer to their homes, and will give medical attention to some ailing prisoners, and sick inmates after talks with the Roman Catholic leaders. But it was not clear if all of the political prisoners would be moved, or how many of those who are ailing will receive treatment. Moreover there are 200 opponents of the government serving prison sentences and almost 30 of them were found to be a state of health. Still those band of soldiers will not be regarded as political prisoners, said the Cuban authorities. The government’s decision about the issue of political prisoners comes just after a rare meeting between Cuban President Raul Castro and two Church leaders from Santiago de Cuba, including Cuban Cardinal Jaime Ortega. After meeting, Ortega said he was optimistic that the government would be willing to compromise.
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Submitted by David Gum Awng

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