Friday, May 14, 2010

Conflict Ensues in Thailand

Security forces in Thailand have taken action against protestors in a camp and it's been reported that eight people have died.  Protestors clashed with police and military forces by setting fire on objects including a bus, while the police also retorted back with violence.  The "red shirt" protestors reportedly want elections and the current prime minister to be removed from his position. They've also been known to defend Thaksin Shinawatra, a former prime minister who was stripped of his title in 2006 during a coup.  The most recent clash in this on-going conflict just got pretty intense as embassies have shut down and the water and electricity supply have been closed off  in the protestors camp by the Thai government.  A dissenting general who supported the protestors was also shot and many others have been injured as well. Unfortunately, violence and political disharmony seems to exacerbate as time goes on in Thailand.

Submitted by: Hanna Khan

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