Sunday, September 27, 2020

Amy Coney Berrett announced as Supreme Court nominee

On Saturday President Trump announced his Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barret. She praised Ruth Bader Ginsburg at her nomination for her work done as a justice. If she is appointed she will be the youngest justice to be on the Supreme Court at 48 years old, with her being so young if she is appointed she will have a lasting impact on the court for years to come. If appointed she would also make the court have a conservative majority though she argues that she will be strictly upholding the constitution and will leave her personal beliefs out of the court. This comes with the worry that a convective court would overturn Roe v. Wade, but this is unlikely because it would be such a dramatic political upheaval. As of right now we are also still waiting to see what the political implications of this nomination will be and how it will play into the already tense election. 

By. Faith Brouwer


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