Sunday, September 27, 2020

C.D.C. Testing Guidance Was Published Against Scientists’ Objections

As COVID continues to stay relevant worldwide, the CDC resumes its battle to test and hopefully come to a vaccine of some kind. However, we see that there have been a bountiful amount of ethical obstacles that have prevented them from making progress. An issue in any field or government is publication of false or misleading information, which can cause a stir down to the societal level. Since this is the CDC we are talking about in the midst of a global pandemic, all knowledge is deemed sensitive. Personally, I think the the most absurd thing is that a draft went through 20 different drafts, reviewed by top scientists, and information was still skewed. The lack of ownership and prevalence of ambiguity is also a tad disappointing given how far deep the U.S. has been in this dire situation.

By Christopher Martinez

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