Sunday, September 20, 2020

Trump blasts 1619 Project on role of Black Americans and proposes his own "1776 commission"

In direct opposition of the 1619 Project, President Trump has announced plans to push forth the “1776 Commission,” with the goal of reinstating “patriotism in American schools.” The 1619 Project, spearheaded by investigative journalist Hannah Nicole Jones, was an effort by Jones to reframe the lens in which American history is viewed by focusing on slavery and its long-lasting effects. President Trump sees the ideas suggested by Jones’ as divisive, opting instead to focus on viewing and teaching American history in a positive light. At the White House history conference where he made his announcement, he went on to explain that The 1619 promoted lies, namely that the U.S. was founded on oppression. President Trump’s strong stance and proposal on the matter brings up larger questions of the President’s role in setting American public-school curriculum, as well as a deeper discussion on what (at times conflicting) narratives should be taught in American classrooms.

Rola Goke-Pariola

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