Sunday, September 20, 2020

Trump administration to attempt to reimpose UN sanctions on Iran despite international opposition

The Trump administration is looking to continue the sanctions imposed on Iran by way of the Iran nuclear deal. A weapons embargo is set to expire in the next month and the U.S is trying to convince the rest of the members to continue with the embargo. Some argue that the U.S is trying to undermine the Iran nuclear deal and set the guidelines themselves. They want to impose enough pressure on Iran they have no option but to negotiate a new deal with the U.S being the leader. This of course comes after the Trump administration leaving the Iran nuclear deal in 2018 by arguing that it wasn't strong enough. This move could leave the U.S further alienated from the rest of the members: Germany, France, and the U.K. It is also important to note how China and Russia will act, who are also part of the Iran nuclear deal, after the embargo expires. They will most likely wait and see what happens in Nonmember to decide when to sell weapons to Iran.

Jimmy Oropeza

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