Sunday, September 6, 2020

China Imposes New Visa Restrictions Targeting US Media

China has recently imposed new visa restrictions on journalists who are U.S. citizens and non-U.S. citizens who work for American media outlets. In the past week, several journalist were not given a renewal of their press credentials but instead were given a letter stating their application was being processed. Typically, journalists are given a visa that is valid for one year but since they are tied to their press cards, those who have pending applications were given visa's valid for only two months. Chinese officials told David Culver, an American correspondent for CNN, the new restrictions were a "reciprocal measure" in response to the U.S. administration's treatment of Chinese journalists in the United States. In May, the U.S. administration limited the duration of stay for most Chinese journalists reporting from the U.S. to 90 days and some reporters have not heard back from US authorities on the status of their visa extension applications. The restrictions the US has put on the visa's of Chinese journalist will cause the visas to expire in early November which is the same time visa's will expire for US journalists in China. 

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Serena Merhebi

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