Wednesday, September 9, 2020

"The Fight to Free the Aboriginal Flag"

Harold Thomas who created the flag sold the rights to a company who happens to be very strict with its usage. Many aboriginals in Australia are protesting the copyright and insist the flag belongs to the people. The government is trying to buy the rights to the flag so people can use it freely. People believe that Mr. Thomas is a sellout to his people. This article brings into question how the commodification of natives from all over the world is used. Even though he was the creator of it, the people he sold it to do not seem to understand the symbolism behind the flag. For them, it is another business venture, not symbol of cultural pride and heritage of a traditionally marginalized group. Everything that I have read about how the Australians have traditionally treated their Natives explains how bad that treatment was. Taking this flag from them in a way also takes away some of their agency and freedom of expression. It is important to note, WAM the company that bought was not created by indigenous people and does not benefit them in anyway. One woman, Laura Thompson, who sells merchandise with the flag and gives the money to indigenous medical services has taken up the fight against them. She is native Australian. It is a complex issue with many layers because of the history of Aboriginal Australians and copyright laws. Jena Livesay

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