Friday, September 25, 2020

North Korea killed and burned a South Korean defector

 A South Korean government official had left his inspection boat with a lifejacket and attempted swimming to North Korean waters. A North Korean civilian ship spotted the man, prompting a North Korean warship to arrive later on. When the civilians interrogated the man, he said that he had wanted to defect to North Korea. However, that did not stop the warship from shooting him, coating him in oil, and burning his body. The soldiers said that they were acting on "orders from superior authority," which implies they came from Kim Jung Un. The South Korean government theorizes that this brutal burning and killing was out of fear that the man was carrying COVID-19, as the North Korean sailors were in masks and gear, so it was potentially out of national security.

This event is significant because it destroys attempts by the South Korean government to work with the North Korean government. The South Korean president has been actively trying to reach a peace declaration with North Korea, as well as expand inter-Korean projects. However, this attack on one of their citizens is likely to halt the goodwill of the South Korean government for some time.

By Claire Mikulcik


Kim Jung Un has apologized for the killing of the South Korean man. His letter to the South Korean president is rare, as he has never really apologized for killing South Koreans before. He also said that he wants to continue being close with Mr. Moon (South Korea's president), so where the relationship goes from here is up to the South Koreans.

The North Korean soldiers also claim that they did not burn the man's body, but rather some of his stuff. Since it was foggy in the early morning, it is hard to say what actually happened. 

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