Sunday, September 27, 2020

Boris Johnson urges world leaders to unite against COVID-19

 Johnson argues that COVID has damaged bonds between countries and he proposes, to the U.N, several ways to help recover those bonds. Most of what he proposes is to prevent another event like this corona virus pandemic. He would like to see countries come together and share data about potential disease outbreaks. Johnson also wants countries to not limit exports on essential items like masks and gloves. One of his points in the speech was to not blame any one country for what happened since that wouldn't help international relations. Although he said this, it's clear that what he proposes kind of blames China for the pandemic. After all they delayed information about the outbreak early on and used export controls on protective equipment. He also proposed a boost in funding from the UK to The World Health Organization over the span of four years. Some say this move is to show how the UK isn't becoming isolationist amidst their withdrawal from the E.U.   

Jimmy Oropeza

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