Thursday, September 17, 2020

President Trump Urged Not to Take Sudan off Terror List

 President Trump's administration has been urged, by families of 9/11 victims, to not follow through with removing Sudan from the Terror List. In this article, the author discusses how Sudan has made big strides in trying to improve relations with the United States, after successfully overthrowing former dictator, Omar al-Bashir (who brutally controlled the nation for 30 years). The article makes the argument that for Sudan to move on and continue its path to Democracy and Capitalism, they must lose the title of "state sponsor of terrorism". This title restricts the Nation from fully participating in the World Economy.

However, families of 9/11 are not happy about the U.S forgiving Sudan and removing them from the list. In the article, the author writes about a wife of a 9/11 victim who says it is sad that the U.S government cares more about Sudan's path to capitalism, than remembering the 2,000+ lives that were lost on September 11th, 2001.

By: Cooper Hoffmann


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