Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Trump and Biden’s First Presidential Debate: The Moments That Mattered

 In this article, it looks at the 90 minute debate that went on between the two presidential candidates for this upcoming election. The article points out a few of the larger takeaways from the conversations (or attempted conversations). The first point being the clash between the two, as there was much interruption and side comments towards each other the entire debate, not even allowing very much to get said with actual substance. Next, was the talk of the pandemic. Because it has been such a defining issue, the two have differing ideas of how it would play out with each of them in charge. Biden said that masks could have handled it quickly (as CDC has said) and that Trump lies about the vaccine, whereas Trump points out Biden wants to close the economy and wears his mask everywhere. Then, they talk about the tax issue where it seems Trump is not paying a lot compared to so many low income citizens. They also touched on the topic of race, where trump persistently brings up law and order, and seems to somewhat (but not really at all) go against white supremacy. Finally, they touch on the new Supreme Court Justice and what will happen during elections/after. Biden wishes they waited to choose the new person until after the election, and Trump does not guarantee a peaceful exit if he does not win.

Tanya Czosek

Article Link:

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