Sunday, September 6, 2020

Serbia, Kosovo Agree to Normalize Economic Relations

 In this article, the two leaders of Serbia and Kosovo have decided to combine into a single market that will allow them to have free flow without many areas of their economy and work to provide a better flow overall. They have agreed to move and get rid of some ties and vendors so that there is better flow and agreement between the two places. However, the agreement has not been decided when it will actually happen, and it’s start will be determined based off how the November election plays out for the U.S. Trump has been helping to try and give them loans so that they can economically work together as two places and then focus on their political disagreements later, so that they are at least excelling in one area. Both Serbia and Kosovo have come up with an outline of their deal, and Trump was seen as the witness to the agreement, although it has not been made official yet. They are continuing to meet and try and further their international relations together, but also working with the U.S. to provide a more peaceful environment, economically and potentially politically. Normalizing the economic ties between Serbia and Kosovo is one step into the direction of better flow and peace within these places.

Tanya czosek

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