Sunday, November 1, 2020

Angered at French call to ‘reform’ Islam, tens of thousands gather in protests across majority-Muslim countries

Emmanuel Macron publicly defended cartoons of the Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) that were published by  a satirical newspaper, Charlie Hebdo, in France- is it forbidden in Islam to draw pictures of any Prophets. Anti-France protests have erupted across the Middle East, North Africa and South Asia and many countries have removed French products form their shelves. In Dhaka, Bangladesh, about 20,000 protesters gathered on Friday and carried signs saying "Stop Religious Defamation" and "Freedom of Speech is not Freedom to Abuse". In Lebanon, one protestor told reporters "Freedom of expression does not mean we should insult Prophets and Messengers". The protests come after the French government projected the cartoons on government buildings, shut down Mosques and closed a Muslim humanitarian NGO, BarakaCity. 

Serena Merhebi

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