Thursday, November 5, 2020

Western Economies Embrace State Intervention, Emulating Asia

This article essentially states that many western economies are looking to renationalize some corporations and have more government control over some industries to mimic the success of China, both in its response to COVID and general economic performance in the past several years.They were calling for greater stimulus spending also. This article screams Chinese Soft Power. Either the CCP paid the WSJ to include this article or influenced them by other means. Either way, with the exception of strange circumstance like COVID, more government intervention in business via nationalization is not necessary unless it is required to maintain national interests. The article is pointing to Chinese economic growth as its reasoning, not realizing that the most populous country in the world overtaking a country less than a quarter its size. only recently doesn't imply great economic policy. Also, much of China's recent growth is due to its expanding private sector and rampant IP theft.

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