Sunday, November 8, 2020

Mexico, Brazil leaders silent as world congratulates Biden

 As Biden becomes the president elect, the two most notable exceptions to congratulating him are president of Brazil: Jair Bolsonaro and president of Mexico: Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador. Both leaders from the two biggest countries of Latin America are yet to recognize Biden as America's next president. One of America's closest allies and neighbor is unwilling to recognize Biden at this point in time. Obrador's administration wants to wait after the legal disputes over voting are resolved before congratulating Biden or Trump. Obrador and Trump held a pretty good relationship and cooperated well in matters of immigration and trade. Bolsonaro has been described as being being the Trump of Brazil. Both leaders have populist attributes that make them very similar. Obrador on the other hand is more left leaning but has had a strong relationship with Trump, often coming to his defense against criticism. Other world leaders have expressed their recognition from Macron to Trudeau. The countries that had the best relationships with Trump and his administration are hesitant to congratulate Biden or haven't done so at all. Saudi Arabian and Israeli leaders are also yet to recognize Biden. The divide between countries wanting to get get past the Trump era and those that benefited are clearly evident and will continue to be as long as legal disputes over voting are underway.

Jimmy Oropeza

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