Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Former UK Opposition Party Leader Reinstated

    Jeremy Corbyn has been reinstated to UK's Labour Party after a three-week suspension. Corbyn is the former leader of the party who stepped down after a failed election by the party earlier this year. Corbyn had been suspended after the U.K. equalities watchdog found significant evidence that anti-Semitism has been allowed within the Labour Party due to lack of leadership. Corbyn initially called the findings "exaggerated' and "overstated" resulting in his suspension. However, since then he has stated the opposite and said that the party "must never tolerate anti-Semitism or belittle concerns about it." The decision of reinstatement was met by outrage among the Jewish Labour Movement. They believe the case was "expedited" and that "this is a broken outcome from a broken system." The Jewish Labour Movement is calling for Corbyn to no longer be a Labour MP after his original anti-Semitism comments. 


Lucas Burris

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