Monday, November 16, 2020

CIA-Backed Paramilitary Group Targets Civilians Allegedly

 In late 2001, the CIA established the Khost Protection Force (KPF). The KPF is a paramilitary organization consisting of local Pashtun tribe members and backed by the CIA. The CIA trains and arms the KPF in the highly volatile Khost province in Afghanistan. In the past month, the KPF has been alleged to have killed 14 civilians including a man they dragged and shot in the street for some unknown reason. This development appears to be correlated to the United States' plan to withdraw troops from Afghanistan. The KPF is thought to be attempting to compensate for the decrease in US military presence with increased attacks on civilians to keep the population in line. Note, this is a CIA-backed organization so presumably it will still operate in the interests of the US regardless if military forces are withdrawn from Afghanistan.

Luke Joiner 

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