Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Protests in Israel Over Judicial Reforms

 Protests broke out over the judicial reforms that have been taking place in Israel. The Israeli people believe that the changes that are going on in Israel's parliament will lead to the undermining of the Israeli Supreme Court. Reports and videos are coming out showing violence between the police and protesters with the police using physical force against the protesters and using water canons and stun grenades against them. Protesters have blocked roads and railroads in an effort to stop the judicial reforms in the country. Over the past few weeks tens of thousands of people have protested in weekly mass protests against the new reforms. According to the BBC many of Israel's allies have expressed concern over the new legislation and the U.S. ambassador to Israel said to slow down and try to bring people together to build consensus. Many elite military units in Israel are refusing to serve in protest of the legislation. Many people in Israel and around the world believe that this new legislation is leading to Israel forming an authoritarian leadership as the checks and balances system in the country is losing power along with the Supreme Court's right to decide what is lawful. 

By Michael Gill

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