Sunday, October 19, 2008

Bus Pasangers killed in Afghanistan

Justin Bjornoson
There was recently another disturbing attack in Afghanistan. Terrorists took hold of a bus and killed between 30 and 40 passengers on the bus. The attack was carried out by the Taliban and, their spokesman said that they captured and killed 27 Afghan soldiers on the bus. Other reports show that the bus was full of civilians. Afghan officials have only received 6 of the bodies from the kidnapping of the bus and the bodies were reportedly all decapitated. It is also said in the article that 50 passengers were captured, but 10 were released while the other hostages were taken to Band Timor district in Afghanistan.

Personally I am sick of hearing about these terrible things happening in the Middle East. This problem relates directly to what we covered in class recently and bring the question back up. Can terrorism be defeated? In my opinion there is no possibility of a complete defeat of terrorism. The only possibility of slowing down the violence is if the U.S. pulls out the troops from the Middle East. The war on terror is going nowhere and is only costing the U.S. money and lives. The war is accomplishing nothing and if people want to stop hearing about mass killing of civilians and soldiers the war on terror has to end.

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