Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Chinese Muslims released from Gitmo

By Soch Mel

A federal judge has ordered 17 Chinese Muslims to be released from Guantanamo. The judge is in the process of figuring out where they will be living and what sort of conditions will be needed for them to be resettle in the US. The government is filing documents to the appeals court to stop the judge's order. These Chinese Muslims are of the Uighur ethnic group who predominately live in Xinjiang Autonomous region; personally AR is not really the case in the PRC which also means TAR (Tibet Autonomous region) isn't as it is stated.

According to the PRC, there have been some violent resistance from Chinese Muslims in Xinjiang who want to separate themselves from the rest of China because of their religious and cultural difference as well as their desire to not be dominated by the Han Chinese.

Though to not into deep detail, I feel that what our government is doing to these prisoners is wrong and inhuman. The article stated that the 17 Uighurs have never been engaged in enemy combat. According to the article, the reason why the US government has keep them in Gitmo was so that the US government can figure out where to resettle them. Sending them back into China would be a problem as they are most likely to be "mistreated" by the Mainland Chinese.

Press Secretary Dana Perino warns that this "could be used as precedent for other detainees held at Guantanamo Bay, including sworn enemies of the United States suspected of planning the attacks of 9/11 who may also seek release into our country."

Personal, this War on Terror and many of the rhetoric is being blown out of proportion to create and instigate a fear in all Americans. I feel that prisoners should be treated fairly and that the US government would pay more attention and with greater detail to who they arrest in jail and why!

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