Monday, October 6, 2008

Drug-Related Violence Rages In Tijuana, Mexico

From Grant Swanson

This article discusses the vicious wave of violence that is sweeping across Mexico today. As of Sunday, October 6, there have been over 400 murders in Tijuana, Mexico alone. The article goes on to discuss how the violence in due to a widespread drug war ravaging Mexico today. A reporter in Mexico talked about how he wakes up in the morning to go and report on mass killings. One killing he described involved 12 bodies, one man with his head decapitated and the head in the gutter. Such horrible barbarism…and all in the name of drugs. Officials of Mexico state that the murders are confined to those within the drug trade, but they still want this to stop. The federal government of Mexico has stepped in to intervene because the murders are showing up all over Mexico. Also, the reason the war began was because of the support the drug lords received from Mexican policeman. As a result, the government in Tijuana fired over a hundred police officers who were suspected of aiding the drug dealers smuggle into the U.S. The thing that home the hardest to me was when the article talked about Juarez, Mexico. I actually went on a mission’s trip to Juarez. While there, I met some really amazing people. To hear that there have been almost 1,000 murders there this year rips my heart out. I just don’t understand how this can happen. Why would we, as American citizens, allow this to happen when it is just a hop over the border? I just don’t understand and it makes me sick.

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