Monday, October 27, 2008

Terrorists Might be Tweeting on Twitter

From Hollister:
Twitter, which defines itself as "a service for friends, family, and co–workers to communicate and stay connected through the exchange of quick, frequent answers to one simple question: What are you doing?" may be an instrument used by terrorist organizations, according to the U.S. Army.

The U.S. Army's 304th Military Intelligence Battalion created a report which presented several instances in which terrorist organizations could use in their operations. These scenarios are available on ABC's coverage of this event. The fact that Twitter is already used to gain support for other extremist organizations such as "socialists, human rights groups, communists, vegetarians, anarchists, religious communities, atheists, political enthusiasts, hacktivists and others" only adds to the list of reasons to believe that it could be used by terrorists as well.

In addition to presenting scenarios in which terrorists may utilize twitter, the report stated that terrorists might be using Twitter to communicate with others and that some of Twitter's features
"may allow [the second terrorist] to select the precise moment of remote detonation based on near real-time movement and imagery that is being sent by [the first terrorist]."

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