Friday, October 3, 2008

North Korea Test the New Missle

From Vicky Fan:
What’s going on recently the world with the nuclear weapons? I wonder the reason is that since the global power shift from the west to the east, so a lot of East Asia countries tried to strengthen their military power to show the world.
The other country’s nuclear weapon makes US very anxious is North Korea. I read this news-“Intelligence: North Korea to Test New Missile” indicates they are ready to test their advanced nuclear weapon. “North Korea is preparing to test launch a new long-range ballistic missile that is an improved version of the Taepodng 2.” I read one article a while ago mentioned that North Korea’s nuclear weapon program is “far advanced” than Iraq, and that’s why US pays much attention to N. Korea. In my opinion, the reason North Korea wants to test nuclear is breaking their isolated diplomacy. First of all, N. Korea wants to make sure the world see their military power within Korean Peninsula. As North Korea raises their global power then they would be respected and gets the attention globally.
Even US pointed out we can fight both Iraq and North Korea, but this military action got no support by East Asia country. Imagine if American starts attacking N. Korea, South Korea, Japan, or China will be the first country gets threaten with. It will be a total mess if the war starts. Overall, it’s really hard for US to deal with the issue with North Korea, but I do hope “no more wars” in the future.

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